Alessandro Boscati is full professor of labor law at the Cesare Beccaria Department of Law, University of Milan. He is coordinator of courses in labor law (single cycle degree program), labor law in the public administration (single cycle degree program in legal services). He teaches the course on law and management of human resources in healthcare organizations on the masters degree program in healthcare organization management. He is coordinator of the graduate course on labor health and safety: organization, management, and responsibility; he is member of the steering committee for the second-level masters course in public administration management. He is temporary teacher at the National School of Administration. His fields of research and teaching include regulation of the relations between employment and labor unions in the public and the private sector, with a focus on public management, evaluation of human resources, and labor union relations.
He has authored over one hundred scientific publications, including two monographs on public and private labor. He is co-director of the journal entitled “Argomenti di diritto del lavoro”, vice director of the journal entitled “Il lavoro nelle pubbliche amministrazione”, member of the steering committee of the journal entitled “Variazioni su Temi di Diritto del Lavoro”, member of the scientific committee of the journals entitled “Diritto delle relazioni industriali: Risorse umane nella pubblica amministrazione”, “Lavoro, Diritto, Europa”, and member of the scientific review committee of the journal entitled “Il diritto del mercato di lavoro”.
More info about Alessandro Boscati.