Knowledge leader and experts

Knowledge leaders and experts

HEAD’s strength rests on a multidisciplinary team with ample knowledge in management, law, and economics and extensive experience in public healthcare management. HEAD draws on experts in research, consulting, and teaching. Listed below are the experts who work with HEAD and their knowledge areas.

  1. Governance, strategy, and leadership – Federico Lega. Governance in healthcare and welfare, industrial relations with the national healthcare service, institutional stakeholders, sector programming, system analysis, regional healthcare services, strategic planning and control, organizational development and strategic management of healthcare organizations. Paola Mattei, knowledge expert in the area of governance and institutional stakeholders.
  2. Healthcare economics – Carlo Fiorio. System and sector analysis, evaluation of healthcare policies, dynamics, and financing mechanisms, support provided to policy making, management of big data, and applied statistics. Massimiliano Bratti, Veronica Grembi, Silvia Salini, Stefano Iacus, knowledge experts in these areas.
  3. Public health, clinical risk, and epidemiology – Francesco Auxilia. Clinical governance, measurement and evaluation of clinical outcomes, risk management, epidemiology, patient flows, and hospital logistics.
  4. Healthcare quality and technology – Silvana Castaldi. Health technology assessment (HTA) and hospital-based HTA, management of technological innovation, devices and processes for improving quality and appropriateness, management of accreditation, privacy management.
  5. Healthcare law and public employment – Alessandro Boscati. Evolution and changes in the norms regulating healthcare systems and services, professional responsibility/liability of individuals and organizations, management profiles, management of union relations, management of contract and labor law.
  6. Programming and control, accounting and financing – Francesco Spano. Programming and control, business accounting systems, analytical accounting, management accounting, business financing, extraordinary operations, business economics evaluation.
  7. Persons and organizations – Luca Solari. People management (selection, development, retention), institutional and organizational change management, multidisciplinary and multiprofessional group work, networking, patient engagement, organizational well-being, conflict management. Chiara Guglielmetti and Renato Ruffini. Knowledge experts in organizational well-being, patient engagement, evaluation, human resources policies, work contracts.
  8. Processes and operations management – Marta Marsilio. Value-based healthcare, patient flow logistics, supply chain operations management, treatment pathways, patient admissions.
  9. Performance and structure – Anna Prenestini. Control systems and performance management, project management, organizational innovation, organizational planning and regulation, healthcare organization acts, networks.
  10. Legal medicine – Umberto Genovese. Business risk, prevention and safety, quality and responsibility/liability